
What Makes a Good Leader in the Workplace

How often in your working life have you come across a leader that struggles to actually lead? It is a relatively common issue in all kinds of organisations and workplaces and often comes down to the wrong person with the wrong skills holding the wrong role within a company. Often, it is not the fault of the individual, but rather an issue with the company hiring and vetting process. It is important that a company hires the person, not their work experience, meaning that what drives a person is almost more important than the experience listed on their CV. 

The right person in the right role will be able to make positive changes and will become a valued member of staff by the virtue of their attitude and ability and this is especially true of those in leadership positions. It is common knowledge that leadership doesn’t directly equate to simply delegating work and dictating processes to other members of the team, rather a leader should lead by example and demonstrate that they are responsible and trustworthy in their role. 

It is possible that anyone in a leadership role can become a better leader with training and in many instances that is preferable to losing the member of staff and hiring a replacement. Even if a leader has struggled to reach their potential within a particular role it is often best to invest in them to help them develop and become more effective as a leader. 

What makes a good leader?

Good leaders are often born that way, but the vast majority will still need to hone their skills in order to truly become good leaders. There is no single trait that makes someone a good leader and there are many different styles of leadership that people can take with their work. The best leaders will always keep their team members in mind and will be centred on helping them to reach their full potential and thrive within the team environment. A lot of it comes down to communication. 

A leader who is able to clearly communicate and encourage open communication within the team is already doing a lot of work to keep things cohesive and manage the everyday running of things. More importantly though, a good leader will create the kind of environment that makes their team members feel comfortable and confident enough to raise issues as and when they arise. 

What do team members need from their leaders?

An important coaching skill for leaders is the ability to understand what motivates their team members and how to best help them achieve their professional goals. It is the responsibility of the team leader to ensure that they are connected to their team and in tune with their needs. A team member needs to know that they can trust their leader, and trust is perhaps one of the most important foundations for any good working relationship. People can only truly feel confident when they are able to follow a leader that they can trust. 

Leaders also need to have a lot of compassion for their team members. A leader that lacks compassion will struggle to foster the important interpersonal relationships that are needed to create an effective and cohesive team. By showing compassion, a leader demonstrates that they value the human aspect of their role and are invested in the personal wellbeing of the people they work with. By having a positive outlook and showing that they are willing to listen, a leader can give their team members the right impression and make them feel more confident and valued on a personal and professional level. 

As well as being trustworthy and having bags of compassion, a team leader also needs to show that they are reliable and are willing to put in the hard work needed to pull off important projects or handle short term or unexpected stressors in the workplace. It is a fact that most businesses will encounter times that are harder than usual, and a strong, skilled leader that is reliable will not be afraid to roll up their sleeves and get the job done alongside their team members, rather than leaving them to struggle without guidance and support.