
Top Tips for Living a More Sustainable Life

Environmentally friendly products are extremely popular among customers today. The truth is that we are more environmentally conscious than we have ever been in the past and this means that we are also more aware of the consequences of our lives and lifestyles. With so many stories about the environment making it into new cycles around the world every day, it is difficult to ignore the fact that every decision we make has a wider impact on the world around us. 

Perhaps one aspect of our modern lives where our environmental impact is particularly strong is in our shopping habits. We use things that were made industrially every day. It is unavoidable, but unfortunately manufacturing of everyday products is environmentally damaging. It is in this area that we can make some of the most important and impactful changes to our lifestyles. 

Something else we absolutely need to do is eat to sustain ourselves, but our modern diets are another area where lots of improvements can be made to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Today the average person eats more meat and processed foods than ever before. Furthermore, many of the foods we eat regularly are produced, processed, handled and shipped in ways that are completely unsustainable. Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do to make your life more eco-friendly.

Sustainable fashion

Fast fashion is causing huge amounts of environmental damage. From pollution entering the soil and waters of the world, to vast quantities of greenhouse gases being pumped into the atmosphere, our cravings for cheap, low quality clothing needs to be curbed. One of the best ways to avoid buying into fast fashion trends and therefore contributing to the problem is to choose sustainable alternatives. Well made clothing that is designed to last should always be chosen over cheap alternatives that will only last a few washes before they start to wear out. 

Clothing made from high quality materials can last fir years when it is properly looked after, so een though it may cost more to buy initially it will save you a lot of money over time. You can get gorgeous, high quality clothing made from sustainable sourced, organic natural materials, or clothing made from recycled materials such as sustainable clothing in the UK made from recycled polyester and other synthetics. Avoid buying lots of clothes that you will not get your wear out if, instead focus on building a hardworking and stylish wardrobe with quality clothing that you love and makes you feel good. 

Household and personal products

Everyone loves a clean home, but some cleaning products are made from harsh chemicals that can be dangerous if they are allowed to make their way into the environment. Toxic chemicals used to clean homes can easily end up in goundwater, lakes, rivers and the sea where they can accumulate and affect the environment in a negative way. These days you can choose more sustainable and non-toxic alternatives that are just as effective as the traditional formulas. 

In a similar vein, personal prooducts like cosmetics and skincare products can also be made from unsustainable ingredients and even dangerous ingredients such as sun screens that are toxic to aquatic life. Look for organic, non-toxic and water-safe alternatives that won’t have such a strong effect on the environment. Mild formulas and sustainable ingredients are better for you as well as for the environment.

Cut down on the meat you eat

Farming practices are notoriously bad for the environment, especially animal agriculture. Animals raised for meat are a huge source of greenhouse gases such as methane, and they also contribute to biodiversity loss as ground is cleared for agricultural reasons such as grazing and clearing fields fo grow animal feed like corn and soy. 

Raising animals intensively for food is also extremely water intensive and it takes a lot more water to raise 100 calories of beef than it does 100 calories of vegetables or fruit. You don’t need to go full-on vegan to reduce the environmental impact of your diet, but you can make a huge difference by lowering your meat intake by just a bit. Try cooking a few meat-free meals every week, or serving smaller portions of meat if you really want to have it with every meal.
